Frequently Asked Questions


What is RootOne?

RootOne LLC is a Delaware limited liability company, whose sole member is the Board of Jewish Education, Inc. d/b/a The Jewish Education Project, a New York not-for-profit corporation.


How do RootOne Vouchers work?

Teens interested in receiving a RootOne Voucher will confirm they are eligible and find a supported RootOne trip provider. After the teen completes the pre-trip early requirements from RootOne, our organization will provide a $3,000* Voucher directly to your selected trip provider who will then deduct the cost from your trip.


How much is a RootOne Voucher?

RootOne provides Vouchers of $3,000* per participant.


Am I eligible for a RootOne Voucher?

In order to receive a RootOne Voucher, an individual must be a current 9th, 10th or 11th grade Jewish teen, must reside in the United States or Canada and must apply to one of the programs listed under our Find a Trip page.

RootOne Voucher recipients must also complete pre-trip early experience requirements, participate in post-trip engagement opportunities, and sign the required releases.


How can I receive a RootOne Voucher?

RootOne Vouchers are given by the individual trip providers. Each year, our list of providers changes, so be sure to check our Find a Trip page for more information.

To apply for a Voucher, individuals must be a current 9th, 10th, or 11th grade Jewish teen, must reside in the United States or Canada and must apply to one of the programs listed under our Find a Trip page. Once a teen is accepted to a summer Israel experience, the trip provider will reach out directly to the teen and their family with a link to apply online for the RootOne Voucher.

*Voucher amount varies between per trip depending on length and other criteria.
Make sure to confirm with your trip provider total amount.

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